Realities shift.
There are some things to be learned the hard 
way, and some the easy. I often opt for the hard 
way in life but not everything ought to be 
difficult. Someone recommended I read the 
book Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestly.

Frankly speaking, my brain is playing dials 
trying to remember what I best took from the 
book. There’s this quote that I absolutely loved. 
“People don’t buy what you want to sell. They buy 
what others want to buy.” 

This mindset has helped me internalize the 
message of the book, so here’s my best attempt 
at helping YOU understand what I now know.

You can be very skilled and underpaid for your 
craft. You can also be very unskilled and 
overpaid for your craft. The secret is learning 
what it means to be “Oversubscribed.”

A lot of people build brands just to build brands, 
and that’s why they get what a lot of people get. 

In order to have influence and a ready market, 
a business must become oversubscribed. This 
means creating your own market, and learning 
how to control and speak with your audience to 
deliver results that surprise them with joy.

This book taught me that wealth comes like 
waves, and the best way to it is through the 
creation of products and powerfully engaging 
campaigns. These campaigns come from the

stories you tell.

Campaigns are the main meat to becoming 
oversubscribed, and powerful ones are the 
result of expert planning and engagement with 
your audience to gauge how you can provide

them with the most value. 

For example. When Apple wants to release a 
new iPhone, you don’t just wake up to Random 
“IPhone XXs” at best buy. We usually get 
interviews, podcasts, and press conferences 
about the release of the phone and the qualities 
they hold that will have genuine positive impact

on our lives. By the time the phone is released, 
people are just foaming at the mouth for it...

Because they see the value of the new tech.

Having learned this, the world starts changing a 
bit. I can’t look at a  business the same 
anymore, and I thought it was obvious before… 
but it’s blatant now. Luck is a skill, and for most 
businesses to thrive… understanding that 
winning is done through attraction becomes a

genuine superpower.
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