Growing down.
“Sometimes when you’re in a dark place you think
you’ve been buried... But actually, you’ve been
planted.” - Christine Caine

Lately, I’ve been filling my mind and surrounding
myself with people that make me feel dumb.
It’s a blessing to be around such people…
Everything BUT the headaches.

I’ve learned and digested so much… the sides of
my skull throb in pain with each new thought, and
I’m. not. kidding.
The mental growth is stimulating. It’s nice having
more knowledge to create ideas from… With such
growth, one can also experience feelings of
I stopped my main work short to attend those
meetings. Sure, it could have been done if I pushed
myself, but it isn’t. And the thought of what I didn’t
do, often takes me to the place of what I don't have
or didn’t accomplish.
You see…

There’s always something to be upset or happy about 
if you go looking.
Focusing on what I lack often makes me feel I'm
growing down… Taking 100 steps with my eyes
closed only to find myself in the same spot when
they open.
It’s not good. That feeling of being here and not
there. So... for the rare person who pushes themself
to the brim daily. 
Learn to enjoy the process. I’m doing it and so can you.
It won’t pay off today, or tomorrow, but you stay on
that track… Eventually, all the knowledge you’ve
been gathering and the consistent work you’re
applying will catch up to you.

Grow your roots deep.
Be willing to fall or stumble.
MAJOR SUCCESS!!! <<This is how you win.
+Energy Ep 16
The power of the hermit.

Most of my time is spent in solitude.
I’ve lost something from living like
this… From focusing all my
attention on my ambitions.
This simple emotion could end a
I didn’t consider myself an anxious
guy, but it’s quickly how new
experiences put things in
I’m about as anxious as anyone, I
just choose to look past it because
there is no better choice.
I register my thoughts and feelings,
and conditioned myself to be able
to ignore or use them.
It’s so much easier to win when the
game is in your tempo.

To be anxiety proof... Demand more
from yourself, and get it done. Daily.
+Energy Ep 15
Motivation is to Procrastination, what a Sneeze is to
the Flu.
Some people think God rigged them with
rechargeable Tripple A batteries.
“I really wanna start working out, but I just haven't
had the motivation to.”
It’s not motivation you lacked, it’s momentum.
Everyone starts riding a bike on training wheels.
The wheels get taken off as you get better.

In the same way, instilling within yourself that you
can do anything you mentally WILL… requires
baby steps.
Really gotta chill man’, take your time.
Instead of trying to be ready “when it’s time.” You
become the person that’s ready ANYTIME.
The trick is making a habit of doing uncomfortable
Doing this helps you build momentum, and get in
the groove on the days you really don’t want to.

For the gym situation. Maybe just showing up and
lifting some weights should be your goal at the
start. What matters is showing up.
Purposely doing the uncomfortable will help you
find a feeling not very many ever get to feel.

You’ll find comfort in that level of pain and It’ll
take less energy to get the ball rolling each time you
want to do something demanding.

You’ll feel super.
+Energy ep 14
Lately, I’ve been reminded of an old Christian song
I heard frequently when I attended boarding school
in my younger years.
The song basically says. 
“The judgment day (x2)

and I know there’ll be no more sorrow.

Because I'll know what you have done, you'll know
what I have done.

Everybody shall know. 
And I know there’ll be no more sorrow.” 

It’s terrifying how I was able to put it back together,
but that song signifies what’s to come.
The year 2023 will be a rude awakening for those who
avoid pain and struggle in their lives.
If the first thing you do after getting home from work
is boot on Netflix.
If your weekends are always filled with nights out and
When you’ve forgotten that your personal success
comes first and will always improve the state of the
world… Then you’re fuckidy FUCKED!

You will always end up successful if you relentlessly
go after it. It's as simple as taking 1 step in the right
direction daily.
2023 is for the Mad Dogs!
The hungry warriors. 

Not peons whose first compulsion is to stagnate at every
bit of pleasure they find in their lives.
The universe is very giving, and it serves Losers capital Ls.
Winners Chunky Ws… Especially! In these times where
your value = WTF can you do?
Get it yet?

Do what needs to be done, I believe in you.
+Energy ep 13
There’s gonna come a time when you won’t
have the answers. It can be extremely
frustrating not knowing whether to go up or
down, forward, backward or side to side.
When you think about it, it can be seen as an
invitation. Life is asking “well… how will you

What's your answer?
I’ll be frank, you know the answer most of the
time. It’s usually something you’ve always
wanted to do.

To figure out if it truly IS the right answer…
Just ask yourself: Will I regret it if I didn’t do
Do the right thing. Especially when it's 

Relax, and stay consistent.
+eNERGy eP 12
If you wake before the sun, go to sleep after it 
sets, yet lack the ability to work as it does…
You won’t stay hot for long.
Dreams become wisps… Fantasies!
Imagine what would happen if you set just 1
goal a day, and achieved it.
You can make any business successful if you
watered it daily.

Maybe today it’s creating an educational piece
of content, or reaching out to 10 prospects.
I’m not saying this because “I read a book one
time and…”

I say it because I’ve tried everything in the
book and failed.

“Who needs goals? My environment dictates
my work.”

“Who needs goals? I already know what to

The clever tricks we play on ourselves to feel
like we’re moving forward. 
With no solid point to reach, we fall for every
distraction along the way.

When my business was TOP priority, I once
distracted myself by doing 1,000 squats…
Because it was “progress.”

It's fun to say, isn't it? "I did 1,000 squats
today." VANITY.

Progress on business: 1 client outreach
F U C K I N G  Loser.
Can you believe it? The man wants to grow his
business... but spends all his time growing his
legs instead.

The pain of doing what was right and
uncomfortable that day, was so much that I
rather had spent it doing something
comfortably uncomfortable.

Get my point?
How are you avoiding pain and seeking 

If you’ll turn back and look over your shoulder.
Have you accomplished what you set out to
achieve yesterday? Last week? Last month?

If you’re truthful here’s the fix.

Start with the big goal then break it down into,
yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily chunks.

Note: People change and so can your goals.

Make an effort to accomplish your daily
Goals. When you miss one, do it tomorrow.

Maybe I didn't want to admit it... But it works.
Maybe I felt my teachers were on 1 when they
said setting simple goals will change my life.

I've tried many things and failed, but goal
setting is not one of them. It's working for me,
and I know it will work for you too if you stick
to it.

Tip: Write daily goals before you go to sleep,
this way you don’t waste tomorrow’s time on
something you could’ve done today.

+Energy Ep 11
Something graced me recently which
I plan to embody and take with me to
the end of my days.
“If you want to take something, you
should first give it.
If you want to make it weak, you
should first make it strong.
If you want to shrink it, you should 
first extend it.
If you want to open it, you should
first cover it.” 
-Fujiki Gennosuke
I am a dead man walking.
Not so dead I won’t fight for my life.
Dead enough to see the value of it.
Enough to live fearlessly, and dead 
enough to value whatever time I’ve 
I live in a state of temporary 

A shame it’d be to waste such a gift.
+Energy Ep 10
I’ve got a question for you.

Who do you eat for?

As a matter of fact, I’ve got multiple
questions for you.
Who do you breathe for?
Who do you see for?
Who do you grow for?
Why are you even here if not for yourself?

The word Greed had lain its fangs on me for the
longest time. I dried my own ambitions all
because I misunderstood what it meant to be
Imagine this.

You walk into a forest of cherry blossoms.
Somewhere on your walk, you stumble upon the
most magnificent tree.

Its very stature made it a force of nature. It has
BIG honking roots that dig deep into the ground,
and branches so wide and lush that it seemed
the tree was holding the weight of the world…

Around the magnificent tree are other Cherry
blossoms which paled in comparison. And none
grew under our tree. All who did lost and died
off from lack of sunlight and nutrients.

You see… There’s a certain struggle that’s
needed for growth. A certain level of pain and
challenge required to become whole. Things
have to die along the way. HOWEVER...

When you’ve attained, or are in the process of
attaining, and seek DOMINION over the whole
forest, and not just your lot.

When you want it ALL for yourself, to yourself,
BY yourself. When that becomes what keeps you
going… And you’re willing to trample your
neighbor not for survival, but for an arbitrary goal
that you MUST reach…

Then, you’re greedy.

It’s good to be strong, it’s good to be Confident,
and it’s good to be happy in your own skin. It’s
good to be POWERFUL.

It’s good to say and do things that others might
not agree with. It’s good to be yourself.

We’re born to grow into the best versions of

For some, it might mean acquiring extreme
levels of wealth. Others fitness, and for others
relationships. More likely a piece of all 3.

Whatever your goal, greed isn’t competition or
play. It’s the desire to subjugate everyone and
everything to your will NO MATTER WHAT.

And at that point. You can’t play…

+Energy ep 9
Have you tasted rock bottom?
Was it sweet? Bitter? Did it have
the aftertaste of dried bread? Or
was it like mud from a sewer drain?
Was it suffocating? Or freeing?
Believe me when I say this. The
most liberating feeling in the world,
is knowing no-one will come save
The feeling of knowing all you’ve
got, is your body, your feelings,
your mind, and your sense of I.
I gave it all up. The job, the clothes,
the hobbies, the habits, the friends.
All that held me back, from being
true to myself. I cast them aside.
then I dove.
I would’ve been scared, but I was
My mind was fortified to be tested.
Oh, and I was tested. 
And on the days where I had one
too many. One more time waster.
One more accident. One more
miss hap. One more idiot with the
perfect words at a perfect time.
Two words.
Be strong.
(Thank you mom)
+Energy ep 8
As I observe nature one key brings
the lessons I’ve learned to complete
Start small.
It’s hard when you think of it from
where you currently stand.
Go into the future and imagine
Where you’d like to be. Then
Work your way backward.
Say you wanted a neat room.
Instead of thinking “This Saturday
I’m going to clean this place up.”
Start Small.
Throw one shirt in the hamper
Right now, then forget about it.
Do the same thing tomorrow.
In a week, your floor is clean.
Now the tables.
Nature consistently does small
things, and these lead to BIG
The continents move a few inches
a year. The seed bursts a bit each
day. The water slowly carves the

Imagine the results you want, and
start small.
Death is natural. When it comes you won’t feel a thing.
Snap then lights out.
Worse than dying prematurely is living a meaningless life.
Going about your days as a goddamned NPC.

Imagine that…

The billions of years it took to form you. Your ancestors
who bled and pushed against nature DAILY to keep your
bloodline going.

…Then there’s you. Mr and Mrs Softie.

Born at the pinnacle of mankind you’d rather sit in your
warm apartments, cozy beds, and delusions of a nice life.
The infinite potential within you amounting to self-loathing
and an average existence.
Go on! One more Netflix episode, one more shot, one more
Instead of working on yourself daily, you’d rather drown in
distractions. You take the easy route at every opportunity then
cast curses when your neighbor has what you want.
How foolish.

How sad.


You play life on EASY mode and wonder why can’t
get HARD rewards.

Don’t worry about Drake or Kanye. They are fine.
Next time you turn on your TV remember this. I’m
making progress and you’re not. It’s all here.
The life you want.

No amount of drugging will get you there, no
distractions will get you there, and luck
CERTAINLY won’t get you there.
You already know what to do.
Turn off the TV and get to WORK. It’s that simple.

It WON’T be easy in the beginning. You will be confused
as to what to do, and you will compare yourself to those
who are already where you’d like to be.
Don’t think of the journey. Focus on the next step and
enjoy the ride.

I will never care for you as much as you care for yourself.
It’s literally impossible!

I cannot move your body for you. All I can do is inspire you.

Take Action.
That’s what I’m doing, and If you want to follow my Journey
 from NOTHING TO SOMETHING. Join me on YouTube

+Energy ep 6
+Energy ep 5
+Energy ep 4
+Energy ep 3
+Energy ep 2
+Energy ep 1

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